55 Central provides a broad suite of client centred supports to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming so. This includes following:
Funded by the Department of Child Protection and Family Support the service provides 24 single bedroom accommodation supports and is operated by a dedicated staff team 24 hours per day, each day of the week. Service delivery is based on a case management model, whereby a case manager is assigned to work with each client. In collaboration with each client an individualised care plan is devised. The care plan sets out a number of goals and objectives; and route map towards achieving these. These are reviewed at regular intervals to track progress over time.
Funded by the Mental Health Commission, the Community Support Program provides a comprehensive range of integrated support services to male and female adults, who have a diagnosed mental illness.
One full-time dedicated client Case Manager operates the service. In addition there is 24 hour emergency crisis telephone line cover provided to clients, through 55 Central duty cover staff. The service has capacity to support up to 20 clients of differing complexity annually. The level and duration of support provided varies according to the unique and individual needs of each client.
Funded through the Drug and Alcohol Office, the Crossroads Project comprises a partnership between 55 Central, Saint Patrick’s Community Services and Curtin University. The project provides a unique and innovative response towards tackling alcohol and drug related harm and antisocial behaviour, its dual aims are:
To reduce alcohol and drug related harm, and improve the health and social wellbeing of clients who come into contact with the service.
Reduce disruptive behaviours created by problematic drug and alcohol use by working with communities who are affected. The service provides a team of three dedicated Assertive Outreach workers who operate in street drinking geographical hotspots: Fremantle CBD, Perth CBD, and the Maylands commercial area.
Further information concerning 55 Central can be obtained on the following link: http://www.55central.asn.au