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Australian Dads Network

Aus Dads Network.png
P.O Box 740,Karratha WA, Australia
20 Sharpe Avenue Karratha Western Australia 6714 AU

The Australian Dads Network is a Support Group that connects Dads and families to create a stronger community by removing isolation and improving mental health.  The Group aims to reduce suicide and increase mateship across the country.

The Australian Dads Networks vision is to provide dads of Australia with a platform to connect with other dads and discuss all things that are relevant and required to be the best dad, man and husband they can be.   With honesty and no judgement members can ask questions and get answers that will assist them in improving daily – in all areas of their lives.

The Facebook Group is open to those who are fathers.  Members are encouraged to share with the Facebook Group online and meet up locally for a ‘coffee, beer or camping trip’

Contact Person
Liam Sorrell
0439 198 436
Support groups with online meetings available